- 1st Conference: Creative Industries and Social Innovation: Concepts, practices and policies.
- 25-26-27 September – 2014. Bordeaux - France
TRANSCREATIVA the european project funded by the European Union Intereg B IV SUDOE program inivites to submit contributions to the first Transcreativa 2014 european conference: "Cultural and creative industries and social innovation: concepts, practices and policies." The conference aims conceptual and methodological contributions, case studies, innovative experiences and policy experiences in the following 4 subject areas:
- Panel 1: Creativity, creative industries and social innovation.
- Panel 2: Technologies, creative industries and social innovation.
- Panel 3: Urban, rural and regional development.
- Panel 4: Public policies, creative industries and social innovation.
Registration and submission of abstracts / abstracts for acceptance must be made before May 2, 2014.
- More information about the 1st Transcreativa European Conference 2014 @ http://transcreativa2014conference.com
- More information about Transcreativa project www.transcreativa.eu
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