
Errore mezua

  • Deprecated function: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; ctools_context has a deprecated constructor require_once()-en (/homepages/34/d445539965/htdocs/trans/sites/all/modules/ctools/ctools.module-ren 113-garren lerroan).
  • Deprecated function: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; ctools_context_required has a deprecated constructor require_once()-en (/homepages/34/d445539965/htdocs/trans/sites/all/modules/ctools/ctools.module-ren 113-garren lerroan).
  • Deprecated function: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; ctools_context_optional has a deprecated constructor require_once()-en (/homepages/34/d445539965/htdocs/trans/sites/all/modules/ctools/ctools.module-ren 113-garren lerroan).
  • Deprecated function: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; panels_cache_object has a deprecated constructor require_once()-en (/homepages/34/d445539965/htdocs/trans/sites/all/modules/ctools/ctools.module-ren 113-garren lerroan).
  • Deprecated function: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; views_display has a deprecated constructor require_once()-en (/homepages/34/d445539965/htdocs/trans/includes/bootstrap.inc-ren 3157-garren lerroan).
  • Deprecated function: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; views_many_to_one_helper has a deprecated constructor require_once()-en (/homepages/34/d445539965/htdocs/trans/sites/all/modules/ctools/ctools.module-ren 113-garren lerroan).


TRANSCREATIVA proiektuaren helburua SUDOE guneko Kultura eta Sormen Industriak Gizarte Berrikuntzaren alorrean leku estrategikoan kokatzea da, hain zuzen, jardunbide egoki bilakatuz. Proiektuak garapen ekonomikoa (teknologien transferentzia) eta kohesio soziala (langabezian dauden gazteak lan mundura hurbildu eta haien enpleagarritasuna hobetu) uztartu nahi ditu.

Proiektuaren aurkezpena